R 744

Refrigerant Fluids | R 744

The refrigerant R744 is a natural refrigerant. Its global warming potential (GWP) is ultra-low. Its thermodynamic properties are such to make it a possible alternative in multiple low, medium and high-temperature applications. The refrigerant R 744 is used in plants that are specifically designed for refrigerant R 744 and therefore is not suitable for retrofitting existing systems.

ASHRAE identification and safety classification
R 744 - CO2
Safety group A1


  • Automotive
    air conditioning systems for new type of vehicles
  • Refrigeration
    - industrial and commercial
    automatic distributors, direct expansion refrigerators, centrifugal compressors
  • Refrigerated transports


  • PAG
    lubricant based on polyalkylene glycols

It is advisable to refer to plant manufacturer guidelines.
Availability and use allowed according to the applicable regulations and any rights of third parts.