R 1234ze

Refrigerant Fluids | R 1234ze

The refrigerant R 1234ze is a slightly flammable synthetic HFO refrigerant. Its global warming potential (GWP) is ultra-low. It can be considered a possible alternative to the refrigerant R 134a in medium/high temperature applications. The refrigerant R 1234ze can be used in new systems or for retrofitting existing systems

ASHRAE Identification and Safety Classification
R 1234ze - trans-1,3,3,3-Tetrafluoro-1-propene
Safety group A2L


  • Air conditioning
  • Refrigeration
    - industrial
  • Thermohydraulics
    heat pumps


  • POE
    lubricant based on polyol esters mostly used by manufacturers of compressors

It is advisable to refer to plant manufacturer guidelines.
Availability and use allowed according to the applicable regulations and any rights of third parts.