
A refrigerant fluid (or simply refrigerant) can be either a liquid or a gas that transfers heat from one system to another. Energy transfer can take place through latent heat exchange (evaporation, condensation) and/or through sensible heat exchange (heating, cooling).
Said fluids can be considered for other applications too. Starting from the market demand, refrigerant fluids that are used as blowing agents are reformulated to produce foams and aerosols, while solvents become a substitute for other fluids that cannot be used anymore.

Primary fluids are always used in compression refrigeration cycles that include a compression, condensation, expansion and evaporation sequence; therefore, they are direct expansion fluids because they directly evaporate in the utility that requires refrigeration.

Heat exchange fluids exchange heat with primary fluids to transfer cold into large circuits, thus optimising costs and safety because they are not hazardous fluids. This remarkably reduces levels of circulating primary fluids and the probability of accidental losses.

The primary refrigerants used belong to the family of halogenated hydrocarbons (halocarbons). They are halogenated hydrocarbon molecules in which some hydrogen atoms are replaced by halogen atoms (chlorine and fluorine). Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) belong to this family. Certain hydrocarbons (e.g. methane, propane, butane, etc), anhydrous ammonia and carbon dioxide are used as primary refrigerants, besides the halogenated hydrocarbon family.

Regarding the identification of halogenated hydrocarbons, they are univocally designed with initials based on ASHRAE nomenclature (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers). Like the AHRI (Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute) and its definition of marketing specifications for refrigerant fluids, said organisation is not a regulatory institution. However, its identification of refrigerant fluids is a landmark that is universally acknowledged and accepted by companies. As a rule of thumb, a refrigerant fluid is designated by the letter R followed by three digits: e.g. R 134, R 404

The first digit indicates the number of carbon atoms contained in the molecule minus one unit; the second digit is the number of hydrogen atoms of the molecule plus one unit; the third is the number of fluorine atoms, while any chlorine atoms are calculated based on the difference, knowing the total number of bonds of the molecule (which are double the number of carbon atoms increased by two units). Moreover, if the first digit is 4 or 5, the code refers to a blend of refrigerant fluids that is respectively geotropic (not azeotropic) or azeotropic. If there are double carbon bonds, a fourth digit indicating the number of said bonds will precede the others. Lastly, a lower case letter (a, b, …) on the right of the digits for ethane derivatives (first digit equal to 1) indicates the molecule's growing asymmetry

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